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How Do You Clean A Willow Pump?he Willow Pump's Cleaning Guide | Willow | Hands-Free, App-Compatible & Wearable Breast Pumps

How Do You Clean A Willow Pump?he Willow Pump's Cleaning Guide

The Willow Pump's Cleaning Guide

Navigating the world of new motherhood is an incredible journey, filled with joy, sleepless nights, and a crash course in all things baby-related. That means we need to talk about something that might not be the most glamorous aspect of new motherhood, but is super crucial: cleaning and sterilizing your breast pump.

Now, we know that amidst the joy and chaos of having a little one, it's easy to overlook the nitty-gritty details. But trust us, taking a few minutes to make sure your breast pump is squeaky clean is not just about keeping things tidy – it's also about keeping you and your baby healthy.

Grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and let's delve into why giving your breast pump parts a regular scrub-a-dub-dub is a must.

Why is Cleaning Breast Pump Parts Important?

Life as a new mom is like juggling a dozen spinning plates, and sometimes, in the whirlwind of baby giggles and midnight feedings, the last thing on your mind is the cleanliness of your breast pump parts. Neglecting those crucial clean-ups is basically rolling out the red carpet for uninvited troublemakers – we're talking bacteria, infections, and a whole lineup of not-so-pleasant surprises.

We get it – life's messy, and sometimes it feels like there aren't enough hours in the day or hands to help out. Even so, trust us that a few minutes spent on pump hygiene is a small investment in the health and well-being of both you and your little one. The CDC has a wealth of insights on breast pump hygiene that you can explore further.

How Do I Clean My Willow Breast Pump Parts?

For the health of both you and your baby, cleaning your breast pump parts regularly is a must. In fact, you'll want to make sure you wash your Willow breast pump parts after each pumping session.

Don’t worry, Willow makes it easy with multiple dishwasher-safe breast pump parts. Whether you choose to rely on your trusty dishwasher or would prefer to hand-wash, we will walk you through cleaning recommendations to help keep your Willow pump as good as new.

Can I Put My Willow Breast Pump Parts in The Dishwasher?

With Willow, you have the option to toss those washable pump parts in the top rack of the dishwasher. Willow's got your back with a design that understands the superhero-level multitasking you do daily, making your life a tad more manageable.

All of the Willow Go and Willow 3.0 breast pump parts are dishwasher-safe on the top rack, making it easy to clean up after your pumping session. Just remember, do not submerge your pump motor in water or put it in the dishwasher!

How to Hand Wash Your Willow Breast Pump Parts

For those who prefer a more hands-on approach, you’ll want to start by scrubbing all the washable pieces with hot, soapy water, and don't overlook the nooks and crannies. You’ll want to wash your pump parts with warm soapy water between pumping sessions and set them out to dry completely before you use them again.

Pro tip: consider using a soap that is specially used for pump cleaning, like the Dapple Baby Pump Cleaning Kit!

How to Hand-Wash Your Willow Go Pump Parts

For the Willow Go, we have a great, 2-minute read on how to make sure you’re getting the best clean for your pump. Don’t forget, here are the five washable pieces for the Willow Go:

  • Container Duckbill Valve

  • Pump Diaphragm

  • Container Bowl

  • Container Back

  • Flange

How to Hand-Wash Your Willow 3.0 Pump Parts

For the Willow 3.0, we have a video on cleaning and drying your Willow 3.0 to make it easy for you to get your breast pump cleaned in no time. If you have the Willow 3.0, you’ll only have three parts to clean:

  • Flange

  • Flextube™

  • Container

Other Tips For Cleaning Your Willow Breast Pump Parts

Cleaning your Willow breast pump parts is crucial to maintain hygiene and ensure the safety of your baby. Here are some best practices for cleaning Willow breast pump parts:

  • Clean your pump parts carefully: Cleaning your parts carefully and completely is essential for performance and safety. Be thorough, but be gentle.

  • Ensure everything is completely dry: The most important step is making sure the parts are completely dry before re-assembling your pump. The last thing you want is for all that cleaning effort to go to waste by fostering a damp environment for germs.

  • Check for signs of wear and damage: Surprises are for birthdays, not for your trusty pump. Regular check-ups ensure it stays in tip-top shape. And if you need a replacement part, you can check out our options for 3.0 and our options for Willow Go.

  • Adhere to part replacement windows: Speaking of replacements, replace your Willow breast pump parts within the replacement windows. Stay on schedule to avoid breakage, voided warranties, and other surprises. Get all the deets and insider tips right here.

  • Never microwave your pump parts: Save the microwave for popcorn; your pump parts prefer a more old-school approach. Steaming or sterilization using steam is not recommended for any Willow pump parts. We also don’t recommend storing your breast pump parts in the fridge between sessions, because diaphragms and flanges can slip out of place, degrading performance over time.

  • Use pump wipes and cleaning spray when on the go: Don’t have access to a sink or dishwasher while you’re out and about? Pump spray and cleaning wipes are perfect for removing breast milk residue when you don’t have access to clean water and soap. Try Dapple Baby’s Pump Cleaning Kit (a Willow exclusive!) for easy cleanup on the go or at home.

  • Try a deep clean once a week for optimal performance: A weekly white vinegar rinse can help completely remove pesky milk fat that likes to stick around on pump parts. Soak your parts in a 50/50 solution of water and vinegar, then rinse and clean with warm, soap water. Set them out to dry completely, and then they will be ready for your next pump session!

Shop Breastfeeding and Pumping Essentials with Willow

As you embark on this adventure of keeping your Willow breast pump in tip-top shape, take a moment to acknowledge the incredible job you're doing. It's not just about spill-free pumping; it's about creating a nurturing space for those heartwarming moments in between the chaos. Willow is here to be your guide, supporting you every step of the way.

Oh, and did we mention that some insurance plans cover the costs of Willow replacement parts? Dive into the details here and explore the treasure trove of pumping and nursing wisdom on our blog. So, here's to you, magnificent mom – our goal is to make your breastfeeding and pumping journey easier so you can focus on your little one.

The content provided here is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of medical professionals. It should not be used to diagnose or treat medical conditions or problems. Please contact your healthcare provider with questions or concerns.
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